Monthly Archives: March 2016

Nabokov, art, science and butterflies

Vladmir Nabokov is probably best known for his work in fiction (he wrote Lolita, among other things), but he was also a Lepidopterist. In fact, he was responsible for much of the early systematic work on the butterflies we study, Lycaeides. Lauren’s book (she contributed a chapter, Stephen Blackwell and Kurt Johnson were the editors) connects his work in art and literature to his science. Its out now (you can get it here)! Her chapter highlights how our own research has been influenced by Nabokov. Vladmir Lukhtanov wrote a nice review of the book for Nature.

Detecting selection in natural populations

Molecular Ecology published a special issue on detecting selection in natural populations. It included our paper, which introduced a new method for estimating selection from genetic time-series data (allele frequencies), along with interesting  papers on detecting polygenic selection (Stephan 2016), promises of combing experimental evolution with population genomics (Bailey & Bataillon 2016), and considerations for conducting genome scans (Haasl & Payseur 2016) (along with many interesting empirical papers). Check it out!